Monday, June 18, 2012

Roommate Reunion

It's hard to believe that it's been five years since I graduated from college.  It's even harder to believe that it's been almost five years since all of the Pink House ladies have been together in the same room.  All this, combined with the fact that I've recently noticed that I'm starting to get really old really fast (ex: I can't stand loud restaurants anymore.  Can't those young hooligans and their music leave me to eat in peace?), prompted me to schedule a much-needed girls weekend with my college roommates.  We were missing a couple folks here and there (Ashton, I hope you can make it next time!), but it was pretty great that six of us could make it to hang out together for the weekend.

Alpha came down from New York and was our resident baby-whisperer: 

Jenny and Meg are both in the DC area for the summer while their husbands do internships.  They brough their darling little tykes, Jackson (7 months) and Ivy (4 months).  Both babies are an absolute delight (just like their mamas).  My apologies for blurry Ivy.  Blake let me use his camera for the weekend, but, as I quickly discovered, a nice camera doesn't automatically mean nice photos.  It turns out that I'm more than a little photographically challenged.

Baby Ivy did not enjoy the Capitol tour. 

Everyone was a good sport walking around downtown in the heat with two strollers and lots of camera bags.

We all had tons of fun at dinner on Friday night. Rachel flew in from Illinois for the weekend and Erin came down from Baltimore (at 9 months pregnant!) and provided us with heaps of treats for girl talk...which we consumed until the wee hours.

Jackson graced us with smiles (not pictured here...too much sun I guess) all weekend.

With Jenny for a mom, you can see where he gets his smiles. 

And Rachel was such a trooper in the heat (while pregnant with her third!).  Explain to me how someone can look so good after so many hours in 95 degree weather?

What a wonderful weekend it was!  Let's not let another five years go by before we do this again, ok? 

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! That is wonderful that you could all get together. You are amazing and I miss you all!
