Friday, November 13, 2009

Week in Review

Last Friday we closed on our house. We also found out the Blake passed the bar! Next to our wedding day, I'd say that that was probably the second most important day of our lives. Not that I had any question that my Blake would pass, it's just nice to see it in writing.

Saturday we moved into our house. Thanks to the help from Pace, Valerie, Matt, Courtney, Austin, Bryan and Blake's parents we got everything packed into our Uhaul and moved in one day. We also got a new fridge and a new couch. The new fridge is hanging out in the middle of the kitchen until we re-do the cabinets (the measurements were off by 3/4 of an inch). Who doesn't like an angled fridge?

Sunday we cleaned our old apartment one last time and handed off the keys to the new tenant. We also spent the day unpacking, listening to music, and generally enjoying our new freedom of space.

Monday we went back to work, sore, and tired. My calves took three days to recover. I guess that means two things: 1. I am out of shape and should exercise more. 2. Carrying boxes up and down stairs really does hurt.

Tuesday we went to work (still sore, I might add) and then got to go to lovely Maeve's birthday celebration with all of these folks.

Wednesday As previoiusly mentioned, I got a free massage at work (it's worth mentioning twice, right?). Blake got the day off work for Veterans' day. He put our lovely new stools together before I got home as a surprise.

Thursday/yesterday I got notice of acceptance into my teaching program. I'll start in January! Hooray! To celebrate, I searched through boxes to unpack some plates (we've been using paper and plastic this week) and we ate dinner at the kitchen bar on our new stools. Then, Blake took me to World Market to use my 15% off coupon to buy some candles for the silver candle sticks we found at a garage sale for $10.00. I also splurged and bought some asian and indian spices ... can't wait to use them.

As you can see, it's been a very eventful week for us.


  1. I love weeks where there's a palpable feeling that the momentum of life is building.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on the passing of the horrid bar!!! awesome news about your program! and thank you for the allstools tip, maybe now we can sit at out stupidly high kitchen table.
