Monday, January 24, 2011

A Joy Beyond Measure

It's Monday.  But, unlike most Mondays, I have very little to complain about.

One of the assistant deans from my office left the office (permanently) and I've commandeered her ergonomic chair. It's made a world of difference to my back and has helped my Monday outlook significantly.  Now I can truly say sitting down is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a blessing of Kim having left. 

Ok, so that may be a bit overdramatic, but I'm not kidding, this chair has changed my life.  I'm going to have to do some serious lobbying to keep this chair when we find Kim's replacement.


  1. we go through a chair swap at our office every time someone leaves. the poor new guy always have to suffer for a few months until the opportunity arises, but when it does, it is joyous for everyone.

  2. "Now I can truly say sitting down is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a blessing of Kim having left."

    Your witty lines never fail to make me laugh. Too funny.

    We just did some shuffling around of offices at my work and I was pretty excited to get to move into my boss' old office. One, because I could tell my family that after a month I got to take over my boss' desk (ok, so not exaaactly), and two, now I get a nice big window. A fancier chair would be a good perk, though.
