Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Birthday for Bear

Bear turned one on Sunday.  It's sort of hard to believe we've had the little guy for 10 months.  I know people say this about their kids, so I feel ridiculous for saying it, but it really has been the most wonderful 10 months.  It's hard for us to remember life pre-Bear.  Was it just sadness and gloom all of the time?  It must have been, because with him (no matter how naughty he is) it's hard not to have a smile on our faces.

We celebrated his birthday by leaving him home alone to go to our monthly friends group dinner.  That sounds callous.  So no, we actually celebrated by buying him some canned dog food and a new braided bully.  We froze the dog food in a container and dumped it out in a big brick for him to work on after a nice long walk.

He loved it and worked on it all evening.

We also tried to get him to wear a party hat for some requisite birthday pictures.  All his friends on instagram are so good about posing for darling birthday pictures with all sorts of regalia on.  But not so with Bear.  This guy is too wiggly.  And too distrustful of anything related to human clothing.  Nope.  The closest we got to putting the hat on the little devil was bouncing it around in front of his face to entertain him.

I borrowed the hat from a friend...so, Tiffany, no party hats were harmed in the making of this series. I promise to return it in once piece.

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