Saturday, February 26, 2011

Luray! We made it!

This is a little late, but over MLK weekend, we took a day trip down south with the Baughman's to the Luray caverns.

It's about a two hour drive from DC, but the wait was worth it.  We had lively debates in the car on the way down on whether the caverns are pronounced "le-ray" or "loo - ray".  Turns out (according to the audio tour) that it was a combination somewhere in between the two.  BUT, I still say I was right ("loo-ray") because it sounds most southern.

The name Luray also prompted some corny, but oh-so-appropriate jokes:  When we arrived in the parking log: "Luray!  We made it!" etc.  Oh such fun.

Anyhow, enough of these boring words.  Here are some pictures: 

Blake and Me in the main cavern.  We look so good in those audio set headphones.  

Here is Chris pondering the evolution of stalactites and stalagmites.  Indubitably, sir.

Here the lovely Maeve and I discover the wonders of the bride's veil.

Super tourist, Chris and Maeve in front of Dream Lake.

Just looking surprised at the fact that the audio tour has now answered all of the questions we'd voiced to each other previously about the cave.  It must be psychic.

And last but not least, here is as photo of the Dream Lake.  If DC as a whole didn't already make you want to visit me, doesn't the promise of a spelunk in a cave make you all want to visit?  It was by far the best cavern that I've ever seen.  I could hardly believe that all we had to do was walk into a gift shop and down two flights of stairs to see all this.  I highly recommend it.


  1. Those caverns are really cool! The "organ" was my favorite part :)

  2. The Luray caverns are so cool. Matt and I went when we were first married as part of a trip to Monticello.
